Step by Step
Imagine you're developing some application and its good time to make it public or at least test on some more production-similar environment.
Or for a local development you need some infra, like Redis, MongoDB, MySQL or Postgres. Nice candidate for that is to spin it up with Docker and Docker compose.
Add Docker app
To start with Docker, add Docker application you switch to Docker in left side.
At the bottom you can see three tabs:
Docker containers, to manage running/stopped containers
Docker images, to manage local images
Docker compose, to see running Docker Compose stacks
In the Right you can see Docker app actions:
Install Docker, to install Docker on MacOS, Linux, Windows
Generate Dockerfile, to generate Dockerfile for application
Start Docker container, just an action to start Docker container from DOP UI
Generate compose.yml, action to generate Docker Compose config file
Generating Dockerfile
Action Generate Dockerfile is used to generate Dockerfile for your application, we support various languages, including:
Docker Compose
Once you have Dockerfile for app, you can create Docker Compose config:
Action asking if you need infra, like nginx, MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis. For all backeds it will create volume, so you can be sure that your data will be in place after restart of laptop/PC.
After that you can spin stack up and play with it...